Terms and Conditions for Excel Sport Courses

Please review the following terms carefully:

Booking Confirmation: After payment you’ll receive a confirmation email for your course booking.

Cancellation Policy:
For weekly courses, there are varying amounts of future course credits available depending on how far in advance you cancel. There are no course credits given for cancellations during or after the corresponding Term’s, Half-Term.
Credit for future Camps will be in line with weekly courses with the exception that no camp credits will be issued after a 14 day period prior to the start of Camp in which you book.
Missing days are not credited, no refund will be given.

Booking Alterations:
There will be a £13 administration fee for any changes to your booking. If no alternative dates are available, cancellation charges will apply (see cancellation Policy above).

Exclusion Rights:
Where a participant in weekly courses or camps is deemed inappropriate there will be an attempt at corrective measures however, should there be a continuation of inappropriate behaviour and;
If someone’s participation in weekly courses or camps is deemed incompatible with the group’s overall well-being, they will be excluded without a refund.Amendments:

Any part of any programme may change and is at the sole discretion of the company without recourse to reasonable adjustments.

Photography and Data:
Through confirming any course booking with Excel, you are automatically signing an agreement giving consent to your child appearing in photographs and/or videos taken by the Excel team or a specific 3rd party specialist for the express use on our website, promotional material & social media platforms.

Excel Sport is not responsible for personal injury, sickness, or any loss in absolute terms during weekly courses, Camps or any programme run by the company other than is a statuary requirement.

Unaccompanied Children:
Children must be dropped off and picked up on time;
Excel Sport is not responsible for unaccompanied children at any time during sessions of small duration of less than 2 hours.
It is recommended parents or guardians are present at all times during weekly sessions or sessions of small duration (2 hours).
During Camps there will be a check-in and check-out schedule and adherence to this schedule for the purposes of drop-off and pick-up is paramount.

Health & Safety rules where appropriate must be followed during all Courses, Camps and other scheduled sessions.

If you have any questions, you can reach us by phone or email.

By completing the booking, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.